Edward MacNeal: Home Page

Welcome to Edward MacNeal's home page.

To reach any of the several interests of Edward MacNeal or Edward MacNeal Associates, his consulting-business arm, click on the buttons at left.

Mathsemantics-arrow takes you to how math and ordinary meanings interact, a book description, comments and review, abstracts of articles, and research.

Decision-making-arrow takes you to the biggest view possible of decision making, a book description, a review, and an author's statement, abstracts of articles, and related data.

Community-air-service-arrow takes you to the aviation consulting services offered by Edward MacNeal Associates (on passenger schedules, fares, airport location, and the like), two book descriptions, and related matters.
Business-procedures-arrow takes you to selected efficiency tools dealing with responsibility controls, communication, instructions, error analysis, and the like).

Other-and-personal-arrow takes you to pages concerned with Alden Park, general semantics, lesser interests, and personal data.

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